
 Finding is

 Is a forever clue

Of the night of blue

Of the days in cloud

When everyone is loud

Or even 

If your mind has a knot,

And you throat is being tight.

You find something to shine a light

On that which hidden in lights

Why find comfort 

On that which is non thought 




And tried.

What is comfortable 

Is not always what is affordable.

You will always loose

If not in your heart true.

Be judged for your comfort 

Just don't care

And face your moment

And burn your comments

Live and trust

Two qualities

One thought

Very rare

Mind my belief

I am looking for relief.

We will be waiting

How weird
I cant compute
My mind can't comprehend
But although hurt,
My heart seems content.

Let me explain.
Now that we are far
Our love has grown 
Stronger than steel
Not just us 
But between all of us

I thought wrong
Thinking that would hurt this.

I am glad, 
I am still missing you all
But know that we will be waiting
Wanting you
Dreaming of you

We will be waiting. 


 Holding myself to a higher standard

It's a lie i tell myself to push forward

I have changed to fit around those who i love

I have failed and fell

No matter what i do

I have picked up everyone's pieces

Prevented them from falling apart

Using pieces of me 

Now im falling like a dried tree

Part by part, branch by branch

Im here,

Just a static figure,

Observing, unnoticed. 


"Looking pretty" ha! Not.

When did i loose? 

When did i fucked up? 

When did i started to think,

That anyone else would like me.

Im so disgustingly stupid.

Burn me in a glacier

Freeze me to just become

What i already was.

A column, a center piece of decoration

A trap for your anger,

A sight for your "whats happening after"

Am i a plot for everyone's jealousy?

Or am i the joke of everyone's secrecy?

What am i?

Who am i?

To you? To him? To her?

I am but a pile of ashes

I am the like of the wind when crashes


Fast and slow,

Becoming mud when it rains 

and brittle when im dried.

And people just expect me to cry,

Then what? 

Be ok?

Answer me god dammit!

Find me!

Or just tell me if you wanna see me rot

And no, im not being dramatic

Im always in the mudding stage

Just waiting 

for the next piece of me to be played with

With a fucking smile

Then never put back







And burning my time out


Just tell me

 Just tell me 

Don't build up my wants

My desires

To just get them banished

Just fucking tell me

What you want

Exactly how you need it

And your restrictions 

While you are feeling needed

Just tell me

Don't just tell me to then cancel

I know already what you all want

Just do it without remorse or fear

Im not just someone 

Just fucking tell me you all

And ill make it happen

Time will tell me the secret

 Our love

Will soon be restrained by distance

All of our will, be put in hold

But for how long? 

This will test our strength

Time will be our true restraint 

I love you

And him

And her

What a fucking turn

Nothing totals this sum

Although enlarged my heart has become

I never imagined loving this bunch

I don't know what to do with this crush

Although it seems to be it has become true

There is no one to sue

For the still existing true

There are boundaries

There are challenges

But i think that i unconsciously choose to ignore 

Because all i see is love

Call me romantic or clingy

I will still love you for any thing you all do

Hold me down


I can't bear it 

I can't understand it

Or let me be

Let all my senses be

And be in my playground

I will show you all what i am capable of

For those who i love

For those who i would give my life for

It is now the count up to 4

What a surprise

It is not my demise

I feel it

I need it

I want it to be true

In this world to become something new 

Drown me in blood

 Finding a path 

Where everyone wins 

I guess is a part

Of a silly fantasy. 

I felt in love 

It grew too much 

Now i must drown 

That of which I feel drawn 

My looks can't stop 

My heart will still beat now they are two

And it became true

Drowning in my own blood 

To hide until its gone 

It should be a flood 

I do not know 

if people are ready 

Keep the flow steady 

They are not ready

Let it be known, 

my heart has spoken

Drown me in blood 

until the night is over

Find me comfort 

for the waves have me shaking 

To silence my heart you 

will need to kill me

Drown me in blood 

until the world ends

All i can do is put up a show

Show my love 

and knowingly restrain it

No answers, 

But the truth is enough to sow 

The fabric of my reality

Just break the chains

let me sit at your show

Let it be known, 

my heart has spoken

Drown me in blood 

until the night is over

Find me comfort 

for the waves have me shaking 

To silence my heart you 

will need to kill me

Drown me in blood 

until the world ends

My heart has been cut 

to spell the love

The love that though received, 

the pressure cannot be relieved. 

Take the artery of scarlet river

Shoot it back at me


Let it be known, 

my heart has spoken

Drown me in blood 

until the night is over

Find me comfort 

for the waves have me shaking 

To silence my heart you 

will need to kill me

Drown me in blood 

until the world ends

No words to fulfill

When no words can describe

That feeling deep inside

Trying to burst out

From your soul out to the crowd

You find yourself with anxiety

try to take your thoughts for a rally 

When feeling used is the new 

When being rejected becomes the thing 

Open your heart just a little 

And people will find a way 

They always will 

When the sound of speech 

Try to calm your mind 

When the eyes of those who transform 

Are deceiving

You will bleed

You will feel loved to get to their goal 

Finding the path they are wanting 

In the surface i must stay solid 

While my heart and soul are dying. 


 Your smile,

Reflects on my face

Dont let it fade

Nor leave it turning gray

Keep it colorful;

Red cheeks

Light rose lips

Shining eyes

Matching everything beautiful

It seems to all blur away

The longest avoidance

The use and miss use

The touch and go's

Fantasies living 

Vivid memories 

If animals these were 

Abandoned pets they would be 

Use the paper 

Only when needed 

Well guess what!? 

Limited the times 

You can erase on a piece of paper 

Before a hole is made 

Or a stain appears 

Use me right 

Use me carefully 

So I can last my lifetime 


Don't neglect me 

Just keep me 



Stop disappearing 

When no need you have  

For me 


At least talk! 

Tell me your pain 

Show me your scars 

Talk about your victories 

Sing about the old times 


Just don't forget 

That i was there 

Every time you were down 

When you needed love 

When you were trapped and enclosed


Or even when you wanted to rage 


I was there 

I am here 

Now tell me 

And don't forget.


Indeed a telegram.


When a couple
Walks through a path
They've merge as one
Love is strong
Times one plus one.

Join in
Don't be afraid
When I ask the question
Close your eyes
Come fly with I
With us,
With one
With wine
A whole company of rhymes.

Let's write together
Three pens in one page
Our sprouts enriched will be
With us love will always win

Take your things
Merge with me
And let my half
Sing to thee

Share everything
Take on anything
Break the habits
And love like rabbits.

Keep the balance
Of a heavy sided scale
With you in here
Its worth to try a new key.

Knowing us
You already have
Read this offer
Reply at last.
Find me
And yourself
We will go from end to end.

Dont panic,
Just follow your heart
Fuck the world!
Just come and smile.

Let's share the happiness,
Let's share the weight
We won't be alone
Never again,
Its constant support
When all comes to dust.
Its taking turns in life
Until we get it right.

What do you say?
Just take the bait
I wont burn you in a pan
Lets dance all night
And kiss the kids
"Nite, nite".

The yes, the no, and the i don’t know

Tending the hope
Fighting a confusing role
Complete for once
Even for a day,

Coexistence is the word
Wanting and denial
Im confused
Would you not?

I see one thing,
Everyone agrees
Everyone seems happy
But hiding comes the rally

Yes yes yes from a far
When the curvature of earth covers the horizon
When finally found the balance
The doubt comes in trial.

Berated and torn
With no's and wont's
Should I hide
Because sight everyone have lost

What is the problem…
Changed the ties have come
But how?
If the moon hasn’t grown

There is love
There is need
Just go with the stream
Find me
Once you are here.

Not just in presence
Just when you are
Sound and alive
Able to take risks
Enabled to think

Not that hard
To take a stand
Find me
Thus seems I am lost.

But why?
Because im different?
Jump the leap
Don’t be afraid
I’ll take good care

Just let it be
And don’t run from me

The dream box

Am I alone?
I feel like it...
Not physically
Just logically
Am I wrong?

I got the people
I got my family
Friends and trends
But this exhausting feeling
Takes a toll when not treated
Please here me out...

I'm not trying to shout
It's just my thoughts
Nothing loud
Just a way of living
To complete myself...

But instead

Shut me in a shelf
Hoping that
Quiet i would stay then
Dont try to comprehend
My mess of a mind
My art will still talk
I know it is not a crime.

So why am I alone?

Alone in thoughts
Just my thoughts
Closed in a box
Dark and lonesome room...

A room full of wonder
For everyone to tour
Welcomed you are
Fantasies and laughter
Happy life,
Not that i already am
But an ever growing happy life
Just add it once
You wont regret it
You wont forget it.

So why do i have to hide
When the apparent
Isn't that surprising
When you know that if it happens
Our love would be on the rising
Even more than now
Higher than a geyser

Lets live the adventure
Right this time,
When our highs and lows
Become the stronghold
Lets live my loneliness.

Open my box and explore
My wonders
My kind of love
Let's show the world
When the unusual become the now
Show the well oiled machine
Of this great family instead.

But instead...
Im alone.

In a dark comb
Being heard not listened
Building a wall out of wishes
Hiding me in your head
Please let your customs go away

Lets try it and do it right
Get me out of this constricting feeling
Of biting that we speak with
Don't think and let your heart speak
Only then we'll reach the ceiling
Even though you think im lost.


Hours of endless time
Waiting forever
Will it end?

Endless loneliness
Thoughts wonder
Reality turns into a baltic sea
Of desperation.

Looking at an entrance
For hours with no end
Whishing harder than ever
That the unusual gets here
To create an event
Under this sad tent
To forever be content

Where have my dreams gone?
Dreams that came and went.

A time that froze
A wonder that just goes
A fantastic creature
Hight class pale drink
Glass bottle in nature.
Skinny top, rounded bottom.
Swimming towards the entrance
Please find me
I am in transcendence.

Sight is out of the question
The best of natures work
Coming closer
And me wishing
That this is never over.

Step by step
A smile appears
Am I still dreaming?
But your image clears

No longer a blur
It is you, where should I go?
What should I do?

My body a good run wants
Indecisive if toward or away
Heat thickens
Air is scarce

“Holly shit,
Where am I?”
In the real world
This doesn’t happen
“Please kill me,
Don’t torment me
Enticing your presence is
Finish it
Or come with me”

Pace sped up
The inner beats
So strong they reek


I want it!
Am I dreaming?
Because I just cant believe it.

Was that my dream come true?
Or my mind melting through

I need medical attention
My body is moving by itself
Now showing its crest.

“Run away
Leave your station
Just walk away”
Said my body.

One blink
You were there
You are here
Blink again
I am lost in space.

Heat just started
Summer's early arrival
Between earth and water
Just a dream
Just like I wanted.

Gaps colliding,
Surfaces shining
Reality distorting
We might need shoring.

Then the more we fall
Lighter we enticing was past
Because here it is at last

My dream…

Help me understand...

Make your mind
have yours?
Tease the smart
find the chart

Why mention what will start
a silent questioning round
The ends are bound...
Sense is absent
when scrambled words are at steak.

Blood splattered satisfaction
has been triggered
found a new life
do you want it washed?
I will pick up a scythe.

Why start it?
Why tease?
If you don't want it
then, don't summon it.


Round and small
the world is
Find the spine
not hard at all.

Why the disappointment, you like?
written in thoughts my heart lies.
Great the want,,
the need of you
not just be
just a breeze.

for you...

Don't you get it?
It's a spear
deep inside
every time your acts apply.

but why you don't seem to care...

why do you keep going?
are you running...from what?
or are you just teasing?
If you are
tell me what you want.

Tired of hope I am,
For something that I do want to try...
you have tried it.

You said you loved,
but it seems that you just run from the good feel,
almost like if it was just a peel.
but it seems you have deluded.

Why am I in such pain,
when you stare,
when you tease,
when you lease...yourself

I want to know,
what is there to know
the truth,
on front,
so I am clear
Should I even try?
are we foe to your dreams?
or is it your test
to my silent screams
Do you want me to do something?
or are we just a thing.


Joining Aside oil and water
Ether Making my mind unconscious.
Simple Actions that would keep you away
Songs of Nothing but tremor
Instead of Delicate peace.
Cats Advertising their presence are
At where I've directed this poem so far.

Not to scare you away
not to step too far away.
The never ending balance
of great disposition...
...or imposition.

Say something...
See something...
steps to understanding
now please understand me.

Opening a key hole
with a thread
That is my fight
That is my sorrow.
I just want to enjoy it
Live it
Die on it.

Is it not, that is not enough
following were all waters go.
But when a salmon you become
you don't give up.
No matter the circumstance.
Just lost in Trance.

The fire is there!
but the water is too.
Dump those buckets,
let's burn until we become
brighter than the sun.
Let's make Lucifer wish he had our fire.
Burn anyone in our way
anyone not worth OUR time.
Can we do that?
everyone is holding up
to the edge of regular life
were survival takes your breath
and your wants, become your pray.
Why would you wanna stay?

Come with me,
Take on this challenge
break up the silence
Let's talk, Let's be one
Act like one
Just stay close.



Diseased the need for calmitude
trends of war between bald mountains
that take upon fiery rivers
awaiting the childish soul is.
Is it for a new Present?

I cannot say...

Awaiting for the assent...
Should I act?
Should I not?
or Should I just simply...

I can't finish it

Let us seal the deal!
Once the blood has solidified,
then you'll know
that was the time to act.
To respond,
to resonate.

Please Self, and lost soul
don't wait too much.
Don't let this be a regret
thus in life there is no reset.

This should become an everlasting adventure.
If we as beings are counted in time
then; not once,
nor twice,
just let it be on thrice.

The heart will bleed
as long as there is love...
Pump it,
Supply it with what it needs with a perfect recipe...

A little bit of lust,
a little bit of pain and crush
mixed well with love and trust,
and Voila.

Let's not let time burn this feeling
just keep it raw.
Let the dough become the essence,
the essence of our existence.
I understand your resistance
It is hard to understand
to bare
to act
to smile at the unknown.
To Fight for what is known
to let this warmth take over you.

My kids are me,
Could they be enriched?
For they will see true love's strength
Then again not once, twice,
but thrice.

Am I lost?
not once, twice but thrice.

Why is this so hard to understand.
I know, I know
It is a mental grasp
a physical gripe
locked together
thrice forever.
Lost to weather.

Why Try?

Why are we so afraid?
Let Athens find this array
Finding out,
What's this,
the why
the how.

Is this just an arcade?
let's play, dance.
Let's put our luck on the table
and get the tumbling out of the way.
Would anyone else have a say?

I doubt it,
Is it our minds overtaking the game?
or the simple fact that we are afraid.

why not just gamble our way into oblivion?
Why not just find our wants?
Let's outpost our thoughts
Let's be crazy, let's just not be afraid!

Let our thoughts guide the seamless course,
make the world disappear
and remake what we call real
Let us be US and that's IT.

misTerioso EL Abismo

Jade brillante
lluvia al revés,
La caída, El despertar.
Una Vida Sin Sol
no tiene sentido.

La Iliada Casi se olvida
la historia ya sabe A sangría
viento que no Te deja Escuchar
Pues Que harias,
con una simple caida?

El Inicio es Evitable,
Ra, el dios egipcio lo Omitira.

Pero como siempre
futuros masivamente variados son
Encontrar el correcto
seria un misterioso boceto.

Caída sin fin,
Eternidad al Limite,
Tirano el océano vacío.
Treinta minutos cayendo
inicio del conteo,
sera un misterio.

Teniendo esto dicho Ahora el misterio se clarifica.
La clave te muestro
Y no, no es un sueno.
La clave ahora dejo,
Y no te pierdas en el conteo.

Caliente Desvelada

Nutrias nadando en espiral,
sabanas de agua que arropan la piel.
Nudos de vida caen de rostro a rostro,
humeante el vapor pulmonar.
El sol envidia tiene
pues desesperación no siente.

Besos en comienzo
de un acto único.
Fuerzas de energía,
fricción anarquista.
Las coberturas rompen los vientos refrescantes,
lo que provoca un constante,
desnudo el sueño que provoca el desgarre.
Cien grados y aumentando,
cien grados y aun sudando.
Desesperación a tomado el timón.

El toque brusco,
temblor ondulado de pieles
al ritmo del corazón ya agitado,
que alimenta las entrañas.
Labios encendidos,
turbulencia en camino.

Ella de las montañas de tejido se sujeta,
llena de un río masculino.
Inmensa lluvia de placer,
bajan de un musculo
a un arbusto.
Olores nuevos se descubren,
la concentración los ocultan.

Revoluciona la aceleración,
dolor impaciente,

El astro al fin incrementa la gravedad,
El esta al mando.
Bestia alimentando su cruel mirada,
mientra en las aguas
torbellinos forman.
La fuerza de Goliat se asombra
y aún gladiador casi derrotado,
como una serpiente a su presa,

Una pausa inesperada,
pero tan ansiada.

Planetas blancos,
girando están.
Ojos siegos iris desaparecida.
La falta de oxigeno casi se hace realidad,
por un minuto la respiración cesa.


Dos galaxias funcionando
en lo profundo del universo.
Y al fin,
La guerra en el desierto de Venus
se acabe de finalizar.
Ambas fuentes cesan
y así como estaban restan.

Néctar de las nubes,
enfrascado ya es,
pues ya es pasado.
Se doma el ahora manso caballo,
asombrada la brillante luna se ve.
Y duermen...
en calor...
En calor...

El Volver

Ahogante el miedo se adentra.
El mundo como lo conocemos se desaparecerá,
nada sera lo mismo.
Lo sientes?
Ya es un abismo.

De lo oscuro a la luz,
del oeste, al oeste.
Todo sera diferente.

Llegará haya el perdido,
conflictos encargado al oído.

Mi mente lo quiere
mi corazón lo desea,
pero por alguna razón,
se que no va a ser la idea.

Yo, de un tronco
pase a un topo.
es asqueante,
del modo,
del acoplo.

El fantasear,
te hace vomitar.
El estar en blanco
entristece al Fiasco.

Que hago?
Que eh hecho?
El, que esperar?
Nos besaremos?

El no saber,
me tiene sin lengua.
El pensar en diferencia,
pone todo en tropiezo.
No un paso derecho,
pero caminar el lo estrecho.

Vida al fin, amarga.
Que esperar?
Nada en cabales.

A la fecha acercar.
pues la verdad,
al final brillara.


Me gustará?
Ese es mi miedo,
ya todo a cambiado a un pedo.

Las ideas del volver...

Y pensar que el tiempo
las cosas bonitas y ricas
se encargaría de traer,
pero como lo eh dicho,
"Al tiempo verse acabar,
la conversación se aclara."

Empiezas a ver la verdad,
las cosas no son lo que era
unos meses atrás.

La emoción,
ya no domina,
pero el corazón
por la esquina mira.
La mente no quiere ir
por miedo a la purificación.

El Apocalipsis de mi perdición,
El Que haré?
Me mata,
El que pasara?
Me ahoga,
y el ver que lo planeado se quemo,
mi alma huye con temor.

La Verdad

Pasa de boca en boca,
cambia un poco,
y de repente engorda.

Solo lo que escuchas
cierra tus ideas.
Una planta creciendo en lo falso,
Un niño muerto en el paso.

La Avaricia con Orgullo llegan,
soltando perros
y explicando peros.
Fantaseando anda el Celo,
al Pillo le falta un dedo.

Para el Sol poder mirar
cierra tus ojos,
escucha tu alma,
ignora tus pensamientos.
Tu alma te dirá
si estas en lo correcto.

Fallida la idea
del mar inquieto,
pues un grano de arena
haría la diferencia.
Uno cae,
caen los demas.
Bocas llenas
de verdades inciertas.

Raro el ciego que la verdad ve,
pues su mente busca que hacer.
Que ideas? Que problemas?

El sordo sabio será,
pues a nadie escucha,
el miedo resalta,
en reflejos de alegria.
Que tal! Que mal?
dos preguntas del cielo mental.

Concierne, que al final
los ciegos verán
y los mudos hablaran.
Mudos que fueron sordos
pero no hasta "El Descifrar".

La Pasada Hora

La vida pasa,
también el tiempo,
las sonrisas, los recuerdos.
Por que duelen los recuerdos,
si los recuerdos mas fuertes son los mas felices?

Por las ganas del volver,
del revivir aquello y aquel.
El primer beso,
La escuela, tus amigos,
tus triunfos y tus fallidos.

Ver a tu alrededor crecer,
sentir que no eres el único.
Vigilar las horas pasar
deseando el volver a cantar.

Ciegos fueron los pájaros que volaban,
aturdido el pez que abrió los ojos.
Manso y gordo el toro de la torera,
Popularidad ya no se veía.

Raro ser, el cambio de importancia,
Ya no te hablan, las paredes descansan.
Murmuro de aliento, ansiedad por acción.
Habiendo dicho esto,
Por la pasada hora,
Todavía no sientes la hora pasada?


Se cuentan alreves,
cuando algo as de esperar.
miras hacia adelante
pero te das cuenta que estas mirando atrás.

Tristes, ardientes,
alegres y adyacentes.

Del uno al otro,
pasan y no vuelven.
Sin señal sin decir adiós.

Como termino...?

Esos momentos en que te sientes fallido,
sientes que necesitas apoyo.
Vas a ese alguien,
a ese sustento.

Pero algo esta mal.
Como termino así?
De ser el apoyado al apoyo.
De ser el sentido al acogido.

Y por que tratar de entender?
Por que es escaso?
Por que la batalla interna?
Como termino asi?

La ira del maleficio

Terremoto interno,
se despierta el infierno.
Parecencia de cordura,
algunos no duran.

Perversa codicia
maldita vereda,
desembocadura en la oscuridad
fuego que no alumbra.

Muerte de ángel,
vicio de sangre.
Morbosa la crianza,
de bestia mal domada.

Cansancio, decepción,
tristeza, incoherencia.
Tirana la paciencia
muerta la conciencia.

Fauso el corazon,
caso perdido,
control casi inexistente
trabajo para la mente.

Pereza, pobreza
en tierna y suave cama.
Tener un descanso...
... imposible.

Trabajo del intento,
vida de decepción
Padre del odio,
tierra del trono.

Nada te detiene,
nada te habla,
el mudo es tuyo
y tu te pierdes en un arroyo.

Pregunta a la vida

Que es vida?
o arrepentimiento.

Es la vida que escojistes,
o acaso,loque tienes?
Tienes la vida que querias
o la vida que escojistes?

La Diosa Luna

Yo miro como se asienta la luna
en noche oscura,
brillando de la luz del sol,
pero no le da la luz,
assumiendo que ella le debe.

Puedo escuchar el latido de su corazon
desde mil millas de distancia,
y las puertas del cielo se abren
cada vez que sonrie.

Y la veo a ella,
"Ahí es que pertenezco"
En la noche es mi aposento.

Me han destrozado,
eh sido pateado de un lado a otro,
pero ella los absorbe por mi.
Y cuando eh perdido el porque,
ella me pone de pies.
Unos la llaman abrigadora de amor
y eso es lo que necesito.

Muchos la miran
esperando algo de ella;
una pareja, un sueño
un aliento o un pensamiento.
Llenarme de algo aun desconosido,
es lo unico que pido.

Muchos la fotografian,
muchos la admiran,
pocos saben,
pocos entienden.

Un pedazo de Tierra sin vida,
dicen los cientificos,
sin vida,
y aun asi da alegria.

Es como el reflejo de nuestra alma
es mi paz,
es mi consiencia,
es nuestra Luna.

Pesadez con salida estrecha

Después del tiempo llamado tiempo,

antes de la decadencia ser la derrota,

vuelve la pesadez en mi cuerpo,

la presencia del destello.

Hora de lamentarse,

hora de censurarse.

Salida estrecha tiene,

difícil la vida se vuelve.

Te miras al espejo

y notas el destello,

otros ojos,

otra cara.

Sin expresión definida,

mirada fría y sin sentimientos.

La cara de un “Defidae divinnii.”

La causa de mi pesadez,

la causa de mis daños.

El personaje de mi confusión,

la idea de mi estrecha salida.

El Amor de la Humilde Niñez

Emoción, reacción a su presencia

la niña que mi corazón espera.

Sentado al lado de ella,

me mira y me besa.

Mi primer beso

Qué raro fue eso!

mis manos agarraba

mientras yo temblaba.

Ha empezado la escuela;

una carta le escribo a ella

dice con ternura,

que mi corazón pertenecía a ella.

Un sí y un no abajo estaban

para que con su hermosa mano lo marcara.

Al salir de clases,

con ansias espero la carta,

un SÍ marcado estaba,

Qué felicidad! mientras la miraba.

Al otro día, en la escuela,

secretiando nos encontraban;

no juntos, con las amistades;

contándoles, el secretito de mi vida.

“La más hermosa niña,

noble alma, humilde corazón”.

También les decía,

que era la niña de mi vida.

Al crecer, me acordaba

de la niña que amaba.

Aunque me dijecen que no sabía amar,

yo decía,”Así como el carpintero usa su sinsel

mi amor fue de mi humilde niñez.”

Carta al Amor

Momentos de decepción

de una mala desición

de una mala posición.

Amor reprimido

Cierro mi corazón,

Abro mis ojos

no mas oportunidades

solo hechos maltrechos,

de mala vista,

de mal de ojo.

Carcel emparejada,

ya se ha hecho una ciencia,

ya no tiene columnas fuertes


Pido sinceridad,

pues sólo prefiero estar

si en peleas voy a verme

prefiero esconderte.

Esta carta con anciedad te la envio

que ni con nicotina la olvido,

con alcohol me despido

y con mi corazón lo reafirmo.


Eres lo mas dificil de entender

lo mas traicionero que pueda haber

Controlarte debo

Siendote sincero.